Saturday, February 28, 2009

pictures update..

Just a quick note that I have updated the picture web site with some pictures from February at my mother's house. Enjoy!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Don't Want to Eat My Vegetables!!!!

This was what Christa was thinking for about a hour the past 2 nights while sitting at the dinner table. We had Zucchini and Squash with some yellow rice and pork chops. She loves her starches and meat!! Last night she ate everything but her Veggies so we let her sit with it in her mouth until she ate it. Well this didn't last very long so we made her go to bed. Well we had left overs tonight. So I just put the Veggies on her plate with very little rice. She at the rice and didn't eat any of the veggies. She then wanted a salad, so we gave her some. We even put dressing on the veggies but she would take her fork and scrape the dressing off and eat it. So we let her sit at the table until she decided she wanted to eat. After about an hour we let her get up and take her bath. I put her straight to bed...So if any of you have any ideas on how to get her to eat her Veggies, PLEASE let me know....Charlemagne seasons them up pretty good so you can't really taste how bad they are...

I have also included a little clip of the crying and her just sitting there with her mouth wide open. This is what she did for the hour...She is so hard headed...but you gotta lover her!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The day of Love...

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day! We didn't do much of anything. We had a game the night before so we got in late. This game was such a good game and had everybody up on their feet! It was down to the last second and we won! There was about 6 sec on the clock and after they made their shot the game was tied. We threw the ball in and Rayshaun dribbled the whole way down. He ended up banking it off the back board and the buzzard went off. He made it!!!!! It looked like we won the championship or something...The boys and Charlemagne stormed the court...It was such a good feeling. We play Tuesday and if we win we will have a bid in the state tournament! and if we lose the season is over. This is the most exciting part of the season. We have to travel to N. Georgia to Hart Co. (I think). I usually don't go to the far games but I got to support my hubby and the boys..We have lost to them both times we played them so hopefully this time we will win! 3rd times the charm...right??
Anyways, back to what my blog is really about...haha....
Friday night was senior night for the team. When they came out Charlemagne gave them roses and a picture of them. Well I was in the middle of the floor taking pictures then all of a sudden Charlemagne came up behind me and gave me 3 roses and a kiss (And the was in front of the whole gym!!) I was soooooo suprised! and happy of course...I would have never thought Charlemagne would do something like that..I mean in front of the whole gym...!
Saturday we just hung around the house. I got up and got my nails done and went to the gym...I found some pictures of me when I graduated college and I got so sad seeing how little I was compared to now! I started crying...So I am determined to get back into my 12s again!! I'm now in 14/ really I don't have that far to go. And my goal is to lose 20 lbs in 4 months so I will look at least halfway decent on the beach when we go...They have a little day care so I can take the girls during the day...That helps soooo much! After I did a little running around so I could get out of the house I came back finding lunch on the stove..We ate and just layed around the rest of the evening. We got back up later that night and went to Cracker Barrel...It was so good!! And that was it for our vday!
I hope yall had a good one. Here is a picture of Charlemagne and the girls. We got him a card from them and Christa wanted him to read it, like 3 times...They were so cute!!!

I thought this was so cute of Christa. She layed there pretending she was talking on the phone...She's getting to smart!!

And here is the close up of her face...So sweet!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Christa's Birthday Party

Well Christa is officially 2 now..It's crazy how time flies by! We had a wonderful birthday party..Our theme was Elmo..We had bananas (elmo's fav snack), pizza (elmo's fav food), brite crawler sour worms (for big bird), cookies (for the cookie monster), hambergers and hot dogs. I think (or hope) everyone had fun. We rented on of those moon walks and the kids loved it..Christa opened her presents and was like "Ohhhh" when she saw all of them. She wanted to open them as soon an everyone brought them in...Eventually the party turned into a spend the night party. She had some of her friends stay and her cousin. they went to sleep watching Elmo about 12:00..I can't wait till she gets older and has spend the night parties with her friends. It was so fun to watch her. She has gotten to be such a big girl!!! Anyways, I have added a few pictures of her big day..I posted all of them on our web site: So check them out!!!
The Moon Walk we rented

Charlemagne & Christa blowing the candle out

Christa & Friends I asked how old she was she said "two" and held up an one on each finger

She knows she loves her $$$

All of them watching Elmo

The sleepover crew (minus the adult:)

Then they are all out..Notice all the goldfish snacks in the floor

The next morning

Me and my babygirl!!! 2 years old..hard to believe!!